“Singing on stage makes me feel unstoppable.”

This is Rose. Her dream to be a singer is a message the world needs to hear.

In Pakistan, girls are constantly told no. They are often looked down upon for practicing music and participating in other social activities. The barriers Rose and her peers face are way more than your mom telling you that you can’t start your own band as a teenage drummer. It’s more than that.

Imagine being told you cannot do something because you’re a girl.

There is good news. Girls in situations like Rose’s are rising above the barriers, to challenging them and changing things.

In conversations centered on global development, it’s easy to get caught up in the “politics” of an issue and look to the negativity and bigotry of the situation being discussed. It can be simpler to just listen and learn from those facing challenges by hearing their ideas dreams.

In a five part video-series, Oscar winner, Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy asks different girls about their passions and dreams for the future. Partnering with CHIME FOR CHANGE, an organization working to improve education, health, and justice for girls and women around the world, Sharmeen uncovers dreams that can make a change in the world.

Rose says she feels unstoppable when she sings. That’s something that can never be taken away or looked down upon. 

When girls in Pakistan are told no, they don’t get the opportunity to feel unstoppable like Rose does when she sings. 17-year-old Rose’s dream may be short and sweet, but she inspires others to dream because when girls are told not to do something, gender should not be the reason why.

Girls and women are key players in global development and can be unstoppable in tackling the world’s most challenging injustices.That is an important message for the world.  

Watch the video above to learn more about Rose's dream and read all about CHIME FOR CHANGE’s campaign here.


Demand Equity

Roses are red, violets are blue but this girl’s dream is going to change you (and the world)

By Gina Darnaud