Líderes Mundiais: Protejam o Nosso Planeta

A crise climática ameaça tudo o que amamos. Os líderes mundiais podem parar com isso - vamos dizer a eles para agirem!

O que saber:

  • A mudança climática já deslocou milhões e está causando inundações em massa, incêndios e supertempestades.
  • Precisamos impedir o aquecimento do planeta além de 1,5 °C, mas estamos no caminho para dobrar este limite.
  • Com uma base de apoio para a ação sobre as mudanças climáticas, poderemos convencer os líderes em todo o mundo a agir.

Saiba mais sobre esta causa:

The climate emergency is already here. It’s displacing people from their homes, forcing families into poverty, and destroying the lives of millions.

The crisis knows no borders, and it’s often the world’s poorest who are at the frontlines of its impacts.

This is no time to sit tight. But year after year, we watch those in power fail to deliver the action that our planet so desperately needs.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Taking action now – to keep fossil fuels in the ground, to support people on the frontlines of the crisis, to protect nature – will save the world and the people we love. 

Global Citizens are joining forces with one clear message for those in power – it’s time to put words into action and protect our planet’s future. Add your name and demand change.