Nepal has been making neonatal and maternal healthcare for women a priority and it is making a huge difference. In the last 10 years, deaths of women in childbirth has decreased by fifty percent.

This has been accomplished by providing women with access to health clinics. Transportation is a big part of this, along with providing education on the importance of maternal healthcare.

There are even incentives for women to receive maternal health care. I thought it was really interesting to learn (at 3:43) that the clinic provides women with cash rewards for taking vitamins, attending appointments and giving birth.

Clinics provide much more than a safe space for deliveries. They also encourage nutrition for pregnant women, provide clothes for newborns, and educate whole families on maternal health.

Education and access to maternal health care is so important for women in developing countries. Access to safe births and decreasing child mortality rates are a possibility, and Nepal sets a great example of how to achieve these goals. 

If you agree, TAKE ACTION NOW by signing a petition that ensures children and mothers everywhere have a safer future.


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Nepal provides safe spaces for maternal care

Par Meghan Werft