Pourquoi l'éducation est-elle essentielle pour vous ?

Chaque enfant mérite une éducation de qualité, mais des millions d'entre eux en sont privés.

À savoir :

  • Les conflits, les crises climatiques et les crises humanitaires ont pour conséquence la déscolarisation de millions d'enfants
  • Cette situation n'est pas inéluctable.Les dirigeants peuvent s'engager à apporter un soutien urgent en faveur de l'éducation.
  • Dites-nous pourquoi chaque enfant mérite d'avoir accès à une éducation et nous enverrons les meilleurs messages.

En savoir plus sur cette cause :

Every child deserves the opportunity to follow their dreams. But for kids forced to flee their homes and schools because of conflict or disaster, it’s not so easy.  

Globally, 222 million children are affected by conflict, the climate crisis and humanitarian crises. Decision-makers are failing to invest in peace, the environment, and equality, and as a result, the most vulnerable young people suffer.

222 million dreams are being shattered because of a lack of action from world leaders.

No child, no matter where they are, should be denied the right to an education.

Millions of today's children are growing up in refugee and internally displaced person camps with no access to education that would help them escape cycles of poverty.

How did access to education, or being denied access to education affect your life?

Leave a message explaining why you think education matters, and we'll share the most powerful messages with world leaders to demand they support school access for every child facing conflict and crisis.