During the fifth annual Global Citizen Festival, Senator Chuck Schumer was able to join us from the Action Hub to share the great progress that has been made on food aid reform over the last several months. Schumer commended the efforts of Global Citizens everywhere, whose actions have personally inspired him to be engaged on issues of extreme poverty. 

Senator Schumer spoke of his support of the bipartisan Global Food Security Act, which President Obama signed into law in August, stating that the changes it makes are "so so needed," as well as stating that, "we have an opportunity, and really, a responsibility: no child should go to bed hungry." Senator Schumer is a supporter of food aid reform. He wants to end child malnutrition, both domestically and internationally. 

Read More: Congrats! Congress just passed the Global Food Security Act

Food aid reform is an issue dear to Global Citizens, as was shown by the over 85,000 signatures the petition for food aid reform gained. Changing the way the world's biggest donor of food aid delivers that aid to make it faster and more effective is crucial to those most in need. Global Citizen's are currently petitioning the next Presidential Administration to treat food aid reform as a core priority, to make food aid delivery more timely in emergencies, and to reduce the reliance of poorer countries on food aid. This petition has already garnered more than 17,500 signatures, showing continued overwhelming support for reforming American food aid to make it more reliable and effective. 


Combate la pobreza

Senator Schumer Talks About Food Aid Reform

Por Bea Spirakis