In 2015 global citizens took 143,527 action, including making phone calls, emailing, signing petitions, and sending tweets, towards securing the finance and innovation needed to see the global goals fulfilled and see the end of extreme poverty by 2030 secured.

Recognising global citizens’ appetite for innovative finance Bretton Woods II Director, Tomicah Tillemann, announced an innovative way to raise funds towards ending extreme poverty worldwide. The Bretton Woods II initiative is pushing a group of investors with a combined $25 trillion under management, to adopt the “Progress Pledge” a three-part commitment that will:

1. Direct one percent of holdings to social impact investment, development finance, and civil society;

2. Focus investments on countries with high standards of governance and accountability; and

3. Support regulatory and tax reforms that encourage investment in development and social impact.

The initiative has potential to mobilize $250 billion towards social and development projects worldwide, with 50 percent of funds raised to be distributed to the world's least developed countries.


Combate la pobreza

Why the "Process Pledge" could help achieve the Global Goals