This powerful video from UNICEF depicts the kinds of profound challenges facing the caregivers of children born with Microcephaly. This is a numerological disorder in which children are born with abnormally small heads. And this week, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offered definitive scientific proof that the Zika virus can cause microcephaly in children who’s mother’s get the virus while pregnant.

The WHO has warned that we are not yet at the peak of the Zika outbreak. There will be more and more stories like this. And alas, not all children born with Zika-related microsephaly will have the kind of care provided to the young child in the video above. 

In the United States there is an unfortunate political debate about how to fund a domestic and global response to this outbreak. The White House is seeking $1.9 billion USD for Zika research, preparedness and response. Congress, so far, has demurred. It has not approved any additional funding whatsoever. This has forced the White House to take $589 million USD from the Ebola response and re-direct it to Zika (even though Ebola is not over). 

Earlier this week, Congress did approve a fast-track mechanism in which the FDA may approve more Zika related research more quickly. But this did not include any new funding. And the results of the FDA research could be years out.  Congress does not appear to feel there is much urgency around preventing the spread of Zika, either in the United States or around the world. 

In the meantime, more children will be born with Zika related microcephaly.

The views expressed here are not necessarily those of each of the partners of Global Citizen.


Defeat Poverty

Zika is spreading and the US Congress is dithering

By Mark Leon Goldberg