If for some reason your life has only taken place in corporate board rooms or government chambers, you can be forgiven if you think women make up 10 to 20 percent of humanity.

But you’re wrong.

In reality, half of humans are women. Let me say that again, half of humans are women. Half of the people whose rights need to be upheld are women.

They’re just barely represented in the halls of power around the world.

In places where laws are written and profit is counted, where contracts are given out and salaries are determined, it’s not uncommon to see a room entirely full of men or for only one woman to be around.

How is gender inequality supposed to be addressed when the very people meant to address it are themselves emblematic of gender inequality? I’m not saying men can’t champion gender equality, but it’s a cause that women should be allowed to spearhead with the help of men (along with pretty much any other cause).

In all the governments around the world, just 22% of parliamentary positions are held by women. Just 13 women are the top leaders of their countries, surrounded, probably, by a phalanx of men.

In the US, the boards of S&P 500 companies are 83% male.  

Some countries do a better job of eliminating systemic sexism and providing opportunity to women, but this is a global problem that needs a global solution.

The reality of gender inequality should be news to noone. But it’s still jarring to fully consider the scope of the problem.

Elle magazine recently put together a short video that highlights the shocking level of inequality.

They photoshopped men out of a series of political gatherings and entertainment events and it looks like the Plague struck or something--the rooms empty real fast.

Have a look for yourself.

And then join the #MoreWomen campaign to call for a world where women are equally represented.

Tweet out something like:

I want there to be #MoreWomen in politics and business and wherever else consequential decisions are made because women deserve to be in positions of power.

Simple as that.

(Plus, I think women would do a lot better job than men have. But that’s for another piece.)

Also, go to TAKE ACTION NOW to call on world leaders at the G20 summit to accelerate gender equality efforts. 


Demand Equity

What if men suddenly vanished from rooms of power?

By Joe McCarthy