Volunteering is not only a hugely practical and useful way to work to bring about change; it is also immensely rewarding and a lot of fun.

Volunteering some of your time to an organisation that can make use of your skills is a brilliant way to contribute to the movement. You can volunteer locally, or you if you've got the right skills and time, you can head overseas.

Many aid and development charities use the support of volunteers to keep their costs down, scale up their impact and stay connected to the community. Broadly speaking, you can volunteer in one of five ways locally:

- Helping with administration or a technical skill you've got
- Fundraising by putting on an event or collecting money
- Awareness raising through events, workshops or public speaking
- Advocacy and activism
- Program delivery where you help run actual programs.

If you want to volunteer locally, get in touch with the organisations that you would like to offer your services, and be prepared to answer the following questions:

- What skills do you have / how do you want to volunteer?
- What time do you have to give over what period?
- What experience and knowledge do you have that will help the charity?
- Why do you want to volunteer?

If you're not sure where you'd like to volunteer, check out of list of partners to get you thinking.



Demand Equity

Volunteering Locally