Image: Flickr - Jesse Yuene

It’s your first time so we promise to be gentle. Yes that’s right we’re speaking to you, the first time voters out there. Unless you’ve been living in a cave or under a rock somewhere, you may have heard the 2016 Federal Election is looming.

On the 2nd of July our country will be going to the polls.

Don’t pretend you don’t care. Every election we hear that old line about how young people don’t care about politics. But we know you do. In fact, Australian ABC radio program Triple J Hack, surveyed over ten thousand 18 - 29 year olds and it turns out 71% of you care about this election.

However 54% of you - that’s over half  - haven’t decided who to vote for. You are what’s called a swinging vote and you are what political strategists dreams are made of.

So what will you do? Just put a number 1 in whoever’s box appears at the top of the voting ballot paper? Vote for whoever your parents vote for (apparently only 20% of you do this)? No, we didn’t think so. As responsible, caring global citizens, you want to make your vote count and raise your voice for a fairer world.

It’s been shown in past elections that young people have had considerable impact. And yet there’s still more 18-24 year olds, not enrolled, than any other age bracket in Australia.


So, this election take the time to really think about what issues matter to you.

Unsure of how your views align with a political party? Don’t worry ABC’s vote compass is here! This short survey asks you 30 questions about different policy issues and the results show you where they stand in relation to different political parties. For global citizens look out for question 25  - it asks you how much Australia should spend on foreign aid. Just saying.

Unsure of how to vote or want to have a practice run so you don’t make a goose of yourself in the polling booth? Go here.

Also check out Virgin Voters an online and social media platform where thousands of first time voters can share their thoughts and opinions on election campaigns and political parties.

Ok now you’re ready, it’s your big moment. On Saturday the 2nd of July get down to your local primary school, cast your vote, grab a snag from the sausage sizzle and make the most of your freedom to vote. And don’t take it for granted, people all around the globe are fighting for their right to vote.


How To

Demand Equity

Virgin voters - you have the power to make a difference!

By Marnie Cunningham