On December 8th, the US House of Representatives unanimously passed the “Water for the World Act.”

This is key legislation to insure that millions of people around the world have access to clean water.

Republican Congressman Aaron Schock from Illinois had this to say about the act:

This simple, bipartisan measure would help the U.S. deliver clean water and sanitation assistance to developing countries more efficiently and effectively. The fact that 700 million people in the world lack access to safe drinking water is a matter not just of humanitarian concern, but of national security.  If the United States can help get access to clean drinking water to areas of extreme poverty around the world, then we will have saved ourselves a great deal in the long run.  As a fiscal conservative, I believe our foreign aid should be spent wisely.  Clean water development is about the most basic way we can help, and brings immediate results.

The fight for global access to clean water is not done yet. Check out our graphic to see the steps left, and click on the take action box to email your senator and say it is time to act on Water for the World. 


Defeat Poverty

US House Of Reps Passes Water for the World Act, Senate Delays