Today, the German government released its agenda for the G7 in June 2015.  The topics will include the global economy, foreign relations, development, security policy – and the two UN conferences on the post-2015 agenda and climate.


The G7, or “The Group Of 7,” are some of the largest economies in the world. Though largely this meant "western" economies, China, for example, is not a member. Initially, this group excluded Russia. It then expanded to include Russia and became “The G8” (yes, that’s apparently how math works). Since the crisis in Ukraine though, the world has not been too happy with Russia, so the group has removed Russia, and is now the G7 once again. Aren’t you glad you asked?


Don’t think that’s important? It totally is. It is a major guide to the upcoming years political and policy efforts to end extreme poverty and improve the world we live in. The G7 is one of the major points of global policy coordination. If you’re still unclear why, just take my word for it, it’s important.


  • Global health (particularly ebola)

  • Empowerment of female entrepreneurs

  • Value chains (translation: the global process of how goods are manufactured)

  • Marine protection and governance, environmental resource efficiency

  • Food security

REACTIONS - by Michael Sheldrick, Global Poverty Project’s Senior Manager, Global Policy and Advocacy


Global Citizen welcomes the inclusion of health on the G7 Agenda and recognizes Germany’s leadership in hosting Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance’s  replenishment conference next year. But, we hope they can expand the conversation beyond the focus on Ebola. The group of world leaders needs to discuss how to prevent future outbreaks occurring by investing in building stronger and more resilient health systems.

Food Security

It is also good to see Food Security remain on the agenda. Since first being discussing discussed at the G-7 in Italy in 2009, global investment in agriculture has increased dramatically. This has boosted the productivity of producers and access to food in some of the world’s poorest countries. However, some countries have yet to make good on the commitments they made to agricultural development, and we hope next year’s G-7 provides an opportunity for them to recommit.

Poverty Focus

Finally, we welcome Chancellor Merkel’s proposal for the G-7 to adopt a common position on the most important goals and targets but hope that they are inclusive of the needs of the world’s poor. In particular, we hope that they include reference to increasing access to sanitation (one of the most off-track targets of the MDGs), retain a strong focus on reducing child and maternal health, and also respond to the needs of young people, including access to reproductive and sexual health.


The agenda is a good step towards accomplishing the positive changes we all want for the world. It’s up to us, as Global Citizens, to keep the pressure and focus on these policy ideas to make sure the are funded and implemented.

Take action right now to help create an ambitious global agenda. Click here to tweet at one of the most powerful men in Germany to make sure he knows you're watching.


Demand Equity

UPDATE: Germany Sets Global Agenda that's pretty darn good

By Brandon Blackburn-Dwyer