To unify, and strengthify, the human race

Just one of my favorite lines from this creative entry supporting the Global Goals by YouTube sensations TalkFine.

 This great music video gives you information and a tune that just won’t get out of your head (seriously, I keep singing “The Global Goals, The goals for making the world a better place…”).

This song is awesome and the beginning of a creative series on the Global Goals that YOU can be part of.

The challenge: Come up with a creative and fun way to make the Global Goals famous.

TalkFine has written a song (and spoiler: a few more artists are about to join them), what can you do?

Global Citizen is taking public submissions by all the creative folks out there who want to make the Global Goals famous. Some of the top submissions will be featured on Global Citizen as the world adopts the 17 Global Goals that will guide the next 15 years of international development, finally delivering a world free of extreme poverty.

Go to TAKE ACTION NOW and send us an email with your reflection on the Global Goals or a link to your music video, spoken word poem, picture, art, etc. You can make the Global Goals famous and get world leaders to implement them today.

Special thanks to the rockstars of TalkFine- check out their YouTube here


Demand Equity

Two guys and a keyboard explain why you need to pay attention to the Global Goals

By Brandon Blackburn-Dwyer