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Do you think all kids everywhere deserve the protection from disease as those in the United States?

Do you believe that if the world unites to demand that every child has the same access to protection from disease, we can save millions more lives and provide an incredible start in life to children everywhere?

Well, we do. And so do four important members of Congress: Senator Patrick Leahy, Senator Lindsey Graham, Congresswoman Kay Granger and Congresswoman Nita Lowey.

Click here to thank these members of Congress

They serve on the Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs in their respective Congressional chambers – which means they have jurisdiction over the budget for U.S. global health and development assistance– for example: funds for vaccines and immunization in poor countries.

They play a huge role in ensuring vaccines are available in all GAVI, the vaccine alliance-eligible countries. What’s more – both the House Appropriations and Senate Appropriations committees called for $200 million for the Gavi for FY2015, which is what President Obama requested.

As Global Citizens, let’s thank them and acknowledge the impact they and others make every day toward ensuring children everywhere lead a healthy life.

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Thanks @SenatorLeahy @GrahamBlog @NitaLowey and @RepKayGranger!