The number of sexual assault cases is a global problem that needs to be fixed. And in India the numbers have risen more than ever before, a trend that needs to be stopped and looked at. Why have these numbers risen so much in the past 20 years?

Female rappers Uppekha Jain and Pankhuri Awasthi rap to break the silence around the conversation of rape in India. They call themselves “BomBaebs". Awasthi (left in the video) a TV personality, and Jain (right in the video), a theatre artist, put their talents and skills together to raise awareness and spark movement.

The rap is great and touches upon so many aspects centering this very controversial topic in India.

My story, her story, his story…

“We’re now known as the land of rapes” is how the rap begins– this alone sheds light onto how big the numbers of rape are. These big numbers can unfortunately impersonalize each and every story of a rape, and not just in India.

No, there’s never just another rape story. There’s my story, your story, his story, her story, the list goes on. No story should ever be invalidated because it’s become the unfortunate norm to which we’ve become accustomed. Whether it’s mild sexual harassment on the streets, the hundreds of Boko Haram rapes in Nigeria or the sexual harassments from Uber drivers in India, sexual harassment and violence is never ok.

The girls rap:

“On that crowded train today, are you sure – you didn’t see the man
Who thought that under my tee-shirt he would rest his hand
Didn’t it boil your blood enough for you to take a stand
Or did you just let it be
Because I was stupid enough to be akeli (alone)?”

It’s utterly insane that these girls have to constantly watch their back when out and about. We need to change how society thinks about rape and sexual harassment-it’s not to be taken lightly and we need to stop brushing aside any one sexual assault as another one.

I am, personally, empowered by this video.

When I saw this video, I felt a personal connection. I was sexually assaulted on a train when I was in high school. The only thing I felt that made my whole situation worse was when the gross 40 year old man had the audacity to make me feel guilty for trying to fight him off, as if it’s not up to me whether my body was his for the taking.

I have been so tired of being angry. And knowing there are people like these girls who speak up for those who can’t, gives me hope. I hope that these sexual violations stop. I know we all hope for that, too.

The girls say:

“Let’s carve a new way.”

They explain, “Many of the issues that we’ve brought up in our video are not just isolated to India,” said Jain. “It’s not just an India-specific problem. I think that’s the message, and why the things we’re talking about really resonate with everyone. So I hope everyone takes it upon themselves to fight for women’s rights and gender equality.”

In the words of this wonderful rap:

“It’s about time to change the tide and for you to get on our side
Help us bring in a new day – for you, for me, for us
Let’s carve a new way.”

Global citizens, if you're as over it as Awasthi and Jain, give this a share – #RapAgainstRape, and fight for women’s rights and gender equality by signing the petition on this page.


Demand Equity

#RapAgainstRape, if you're as over it as these girls

By Joline Faujour