If you’ve been looking for music to change the world to, or if you’ve been looking for words of inspiration, look no further. Radio Everyone is a new platform of Global Goals based content, from playlists inspired by environmental anthems of the past 50 years, to discussions on sanitation, poverty and peace.

Radio Everyone has content from world famous musicians, entertainers, women and men, all focused on the Global Goals and how to make the world a better place.

Aaron Taylor Johnson, perhaps best known for his roles in Kick-Ass and its sequel as the titular character, hosted one such piece focusing on peace and the Global Superheroes working to achieve it.As Johnson describes, peace isn’t just an absence of war. It’s being comfortable and secure. It’s having equality for all and a safe home away from the ravages of war. It’s having a say in your future.

Johnson has multiple guests on to speak about global peace, beginning with the heartbreaking, inspiring story of one man who has gotten 55,000 elders and farmers in Afghanistan to grow pomegranates instead of poppies for opium.

Similar to many others working to make the world better, James Brett did not have an easy life. From struggling with drug abuse to juvenile correctional facilities and prison, he has seen a lot of strife, but decided to dedicate the rest of his life to good.

After a trip to Afghanistan, he founded Plant for Peace, an initiative that aims to help farmers that rely on poppy fields for income to switch to pomegranates. This helps by reducing the reliance on an illegal crop and setting farmers up in a business that trades internationally.

“It’s about giving people a chance,” said Brett, “a real chance to provide for themselves.”

And Brett’s story wasn’t the only one. From helping young people stand up to injustice in South Africa, to rehabilitating child soldiers in Somalia, Johnson covers a wide range of what it means to work towards world peace.

It’s an inspiration. Every story told just makes you want to go out and help someone. Which is kind of the point. These Global Goals are supposed to get you moving, get you helping, make you aware that there are things that need fixing. And that the the world needs to come together to work together.

Radio Everyone is streaming now, just waiting for you to visit and have a listen.


Demand Equity

Radio everyone with Aaron Taylor Johnson

By Gus Stahl