Global Poverty Project led on securing Norway’s commitment to air pollution reduction and clean cookstove initiatives.


An estimated 9 million people died in 2012 as a result of pollution, most of whom live in developing countries. 4.3 million of these deaths have been attributed to pollution in the home from things like unclean indoor cook-stoves, and 3.7 million deaths have been attributed to ambient air pollution such as dust and car exhaust.


April 7th saw global citizens sharing images on facebook and other social media platforms to raise awareness of pollution ahead of Global Citizen 2015 Earth Day. This day of action resulting in 461,000 social media impressions. 


At Global Citizen 2015 Earth Day Norway’s Foreign Minister, Børge Brende, announced the Norwegian government’s commitment of US $12 million to the World Bank’s new Pollution Management and Environmental Health (PMEH) program. This commitment alongside contributions from other countries will contribute to improving environmental health for an estimated 150 million people over five years.

The PMEH program was launched by the World Bank at Global Citizen 2015 Earth Day to address the impact that pollution has on people’s health, and the health of economies. The PMEH program will initially focus on air pollution in the major urban areas of China, Egypt, India, Nigeria, and South Africa, but will also address land and water pollution.

In addition to the US $12 million Norway committed to PMEH, US $40 million will be put towards clean cookstove initiatives by the Norwegian government in order to reduce indoor air pollution and contribute to people living healthier lives.


Global Poverty Project will continue working with the Norwegian government in support of this commitment to the PMEH program, and the improvement of environmental health.


Defend the Planet

Norway commits to air pollution reduction at Global Citizen 2015 Earth Day