My name is Bouchra and I am a dedicated and passionate supporter of the US Fund for UNICEF’s work. UNICEF is dedicated to protect, and work for a better life for, children all across the globe and because of that, I believe supporting the work of UNICEF should be an unquestionable moral duty of all citizens of the world. 

As a high school student, I’m more often trying not to fall asleep in my first period AP class on a Monday morning, than convincing congressional representatives to pass bills. Yet, that was exactly what I was doing this week. I am advocating and fighting for what I am passionate about: the children of the world.

It was one of the greatest weekends of my life. My high school was selected to attend the 2016 UNICEF Student Summit in Washington DC where this year’s theme was advocacy. After an amazing weekend full of listening to inspiring keynote speeches, taking part in great workshops, and meeting amazing people just like me who want to help make a difference in the world, we ended with “Hill Day” on Monday.

I was excited for the unique experience of Hill Day. Before this I had already been active as an advocate. I have helped to advocate for UNICEF’s work through the UNICEF Club I started at my school, and around my community through events and fundraisers. I am also part of the Boston Congressional Action Team which works to engage our congressional representatives in issues affecting children around the world. 

Image: Flickr, Renu Parkhi

However, I was so amped for Hill Day because I would actually be in the place where it all goes down: Congress. Meeting with my home district representative’s staff as well as both of my members of Congress, and briefly with Massachusetts Congressman Ed Markey himself, was an incredible experience, especially as a young person. 

Adults often do not take younger people seriously. But through Hill Day, I had the opportunity to have the decision-makers listen to what I care about. Which is putting children first and ask them to care about putting children first as well. These meetings let me have the respect younger people often don’t receive. Participants of Hill Day come from all over the United States. Together we are advocating for the rights of children, and collectively our voices have a huge impact.

Image: US Fund for UNICEF

We spoke about the Reach Every Mother and Child ACT. It is so important that our congressional representatives support the Reach Every Mother and Child ACT because it truly should be the US Government’s duty to lead the effort to end the deaths of mothers and children around the world from preventable causes. 

This legislation would increase, and further coordinate, current to achieve the goal of ending preventable maternal and child deaths. 

Image: Flickr: Byron

Children are the future of the world. We should make saving women and children the priority in order to have a sustainable and peaceful future.

After advocating all day for UNICEF on the Hill, my commitment to the world’s children has only grown. Now, I want to continue advocating for children around the world--making them the priority. This experience has really has opened my eyes to how important and powerful it is to raise my voice as it can truly make a difference. 

Everyone can be an advocate for children and we can create a world where they can be safe, and happy. You can do this by simply speaking up and showing your passion for children. This is what I invite everyone to do. 

The views expressed here are not necessarily those of each of the partners of Global Citizen. 


Defeat Poverty

Meet Bouchra a passionate advocate for children's rights