This is how the world changes: A goal, a committed group of people and a plan to connect them.

This is what the world has now. Global citizens have been committed to the goal of ending extreme poverty for years. This has not changed. What is new, is that the committed group of people (global citizens like you) have a worldwide plan to end extreme poverty, and it’s called The Global Goals.

The Global Goals are 17 goals that cover every aspect of development, from economic to social to political. These 17 goals are the roadmap for the world to finally end the injustice of extreme poverty.

The History

The Global Goals, which are known at the United Nations as “The Sustainable Development Goals,” are the successors to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The MDGs were announced in 2000 and have guided international development for the last 15 years. Some of these goals have been wildly successful while others have had more mixed results. The one conclusion that is certain from this experience is that the world needs these overarching goals to get big wins in improving the lives of everyone.

And so leaders have been working on the new Global Goals as a replacement for the expiring Millennium Development Goals.

What do these goals cover?

Quite simply: EVERYTHING. Ok, don’t believe me? Goal 17 is a massive set of ideas ranging from creating public private partnerships to improving trade to improving governance. Goal 13 covers climate action, while goal 14 and 15 cover life below water and life on land, respectively. In this set of goals there is gender equality (Goal 5) hunger (Goal 2), sanitation (Goal 6), and much much more. It is a long list of goals, but that is exactly what the world needs. Because all 17 goals culminate in Goal 1: No Poverty.

To end extreme poverty by 2030, the world, its leaders, its people and even the environment itself must come together and unite behind these goals.

What can you do?

Make the goals FAMOUS. Seriously. The single greatest barrier to the success of the Millennium Development Goals was that it took years for countries to start acting on them. This must not be repeated with the Global Goals. Citizens of the world must unite and call on leaders everywhere to embrace the goals and start planning for their implementation the day after they are publicly announced.

By coincidence or design, this is the same day as the 2015 Global Citizen Festival. And this is why you have the opportunity to get leaders to come to the Festival the day after the Goals are announced and commit to steps  to implement them.

This is how the world is changed

A committed group of people: Global citizens,

Have a plan: The Global Goals,

And unite behind one goal: Ending extreme poverty by 2030.

All month long Global Citizen will have information and opportunities for you to get involved. Some of them will be calling on leaders, some of them will be getting creative (seriously, there is an awesome creative aspect to this coming out in a few days), and all of them will have major impact on the world.

CLICK HERE: For all Global Goals related information

Today, take the first step and go to TAKE ACTION NOW to tweet out your support for the Global Goals and begin the process of making them famous. The world has 17 Goals, now it needs you to make them a reality.


Demand Equity

Commit To The Global Goals And Help End Extreme Poverty

By Brandon Blackburn-Dwyer