Emma Watson (aka Hermione aka my future best friend) just delivered another amazing speech about gender equality at the World Economic Forum in Davos. 

For those of you who don’t know, thought leaders, political figures and the movers and shakers of international development are meeting in Davos this week to discuss economics in developing countries, gender inequality, climate change, and the digital economy. (more info here!

Back in September, I had the honor of being in the same room as Emma (yeah, we’re on first name basis, we’re totally going to be bffs) at the United Nations in NYC where she made her debut as a Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women. She delivered a beautiful speech about gender equality and launched the #HeForShe campaign. It was truly inspiring to hear her speak so passionately about the cause and she left all of us in the room feeling motivated to make a difference.  

Now, at Davos, she called on governments, universities and companies to join the next phase of the #HeForShe initiative (10x10x10) and address the inequalities that women and girls face globally. She spoke about the incredible response they’ve seen since the campaign launched in September, but brought up the fact that many people are asking, okay, I signed the petition, what now? She explained that the commitment is personal and that every action is valid. This is about creating a movement, changing social norms and challenging the status quo. 

"I spoke about some of my story in September – what are your stories? Girls: Who have been your mentors, parents, did you make sure you treated your children equally? If so, how have you done it? Husbands: Have you been supporting your female partner privately so that she can fulfil her dreams too? Young men: Have you spoke up in a conversation when a woman was casually degraded or dismissed? Businessmen: Have you mentored, supported or engaged women in leadership positions? Writers: Have you challenged the language and imagery used to portray women in the media? CEOs: Have you implemented the women’s empowerment principles in your own company?” 

Emma concluded, and I agree, that there is a greater understanding right now than ever that women need to be equal participants in our homes, our societies, our governments, and our workplaces. And that we know the world is being held back in every way because they are not. Women share this planet 50/50 and they are unrepresented, their potential astonishingly untapped. 

Women and Girls across the world need your support. Follow Emma’s lead and take action. Here’s a way everyone can get involved! Stand up and be counted by uploading your selfie to #ShowYourSelfie, a visual petition supporting the rights of Women And Girls that will be delivered to world leaders in September. We can all take action for the world and in our lives to promote and support the dynamic women in our world. 


Demand Equity

Emma Watson, can we be best friends??

By Natalie Prolman