Why Global Citizens Should Care
Gender equality cannot be achieved with unequal parental leave that makes it harder for women to participate in the workforce. To end extreme poverty, we must promote shared parenting responsibilities. You can join us in taking action on this issue here

Dove’s latest social good campaign is an effort to balance family caregiving roles.

The personal care brand announced its Paternity Leave Fund on Feb. 19 with plans to raise over $1 million for dads across the US over the next two years, CNN reports. Through the fund, fathers who don’t have access to paternity leave will be eligible to receive $5,000 grants to stay home with their new children. Alexis Ohanian, Reddit co-founder, helped launch the campaign. 

Take Action: This Inequality Cannot Go On. Ask the World’s Richest People to Help End Extreme Poverty

Working men and fathers who apply for the grant have to sign a pledge committing to help companies provide paternity leave to new dads.

"Working dads shouldn't have to choose between their children and a paycheck—because when they take paternity leave, it benefits families, workplaces and communities," Dove said on its website

In the US, there is currently no paternity leave law at the federal level. This often causes caregiving roles to fall on mothers and makes it harder for them to reenter the workforce. It also perpetuates traditionally gendered roles. 

Read More: 12 Weeks of Paternity Leave Would Address the Gender Pay Gap, Say MPs

Ohanian, husband of tennis star Serena Williams and father of their 17-month-old daughter, joined the campaign because he wants to be an example to other working men. 

“No dad should have to sacrifice taking leave, and I’ve been very public about taking mine in an effort to show other men that you can still be an ambitious businessperson while also taking time for your family,” he said in a press release. 

The Department of Labor reports 70% of fathers in the US take 10 days of parental leave or less, to take care of their children and families. Studies show that when fathers are more involved in child care, children have fewer behavioral problems, and improved cognitive and mental health outcomes. While paid paternity leave isn’t enough to close gender wage gaps alone, when fathers take parental leave, mothers gain more opportunities to receive paid work, which boosts female labor force participation and wages.


Defeat Poverty

Dove Is Giving $5,000 to New Dads Who Can't Afford Paternity Leave

By Leah Rodriguez