1. Immunization averts an estimated 2 to 3 million deaths globally every year from diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough) and measles.


WOWWOWWOWWOW! They only come second to clean water in reducing the global burden of disease.

2. For just US$ 23, kids can be protected against 7 of the most dangerous childhood diseases and have a much greater chance to survive and thrive.


Think about it – that’s about the equivalent of your dinner this evening, or a whole lot of coffee.

3. Between 1980 and 2011 the world’s population increased by more than 50% – yet the number of cases of polio dropped by 99%.

Gates Foundation

That means there’s 1% to go; we can do it!

4. 22 million children worldwide still miss out on the full course of the most basic vaccines – and less than 5% are fully immunized.

Wikipedia Commons

But without significant new efforts, this is only expected to increase to 50% by 2030. The time is NOW.  

5. Vaccines interact with the immune system to produce a response similar to that produced by the natural infection.

Flickr: Kamal Zharif Kamaludin

SO… that means … they do not cause the disease or put the immunized person at risk of its potential complications.

#vaccineswork #endpolio 


Defeat Poverty

5 things you should know about vaccines