The Powerball lottery jackpot is at a record breaking US $1.5 billion USD.

That is a BIG chunk of change.

And it’s got Global Citizen fantasizing about ways in which this money could help change the world.

While everyone deserves to treat themselves...


...there’s no denying that $1.5 billion could seriously impact the lives of others.

From small acts of kindness to big time investments, here are 10 ways that the winner of $1.5 billion could effectively spread the wealth.

1) Take time off of work, and spend the free time tutoring or mentoring kids.

Kids get by with a little help from their friends positive influences.

2) Invest in companies or products built by female entrepreneurs.

They say women make an excellent investment.

3) Give people a place to poop.

Think: “Every time I go to the bathroom, I’ll buy a toilet for someone in need.”

How’s that for a one-to-one business model?

4) Buy farm land and equipmentthen employ and educate small farmers.

Responsible and sustainable farming is all the rage these days.

5) Invest in clean and renewable energy.

Leonardo DiCaprio would definitely approve.

6) Buy an island...or a town.

And invite every refugee you know (or don't know). 

7) Pay for a young person’s post-graduate education.

8) Build a school.

And then brag that you're just like Malala. 

9) Eradicate Polio.

For the small cost of $1.5 billion, Polio could be gone forever. Seriously.

10) Choose an endangered species, and save it. 

My vote? Elephants.

To all of you global citizens with your eyes on the Powerball prize, may the (terrible) odds be ever in your favor. (And don't forget the rest of us when you win.)


Demand Equity

10 coolest ways to spend the Powerball winnings

By Caryn Carver