3 Billion Strong! Young People: Shape Your Future!

Have your say on what challenges need to be addressed for young people. Leave a message today ahead of the Summit of the Future.

What to know:

  • There are more young people alive today than ever before- and leaders need to take your rights seriously.
  • A major global conversation is taking place on how the world can support young people – and you can be a part of it.
  • Tell us how you think we can ensure young people have a healthy and safe future. We’ll share your views with world leaders!

Learn More about this cause:

The world now has more young people than ever before – of the 7.2 billion people worldwide, over 3 billion are younger than 25 years. 

Against a backdrop of multiple crises from climate to conflict, it's more important than ever that governments everywhere prioritise and invest in the health and wellbeing of young people. 

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development- a landmark moment where the world came together to set a course towards a healthier and more prosperous world: One where where every mother survives pregnancy and every newborn gets the care they deserve; where young people have autonomy over their bodies and information to plan their futures; where societies prioritise human health and well-being as the ultimate goal.   

That's why we are partnering up with UNFPA, the United Nations Sexual and Reproductive Health Agency, to get the word out about this important milestone- and to get your views! 

The ICPD+30 Global Youth Dialogue  is driving a huge global conversation on the rights and needs of young people – and what governments must do to better support the future of youth.

Kicking off this month Benin, UNFPA is hosting global conversations in person and online to capture the views of young activists and changemakers on common issues that we all face in realising our rights. We will then compare gaps and trends across countries and regions. This data will then shape policies all around the world and serve as an important input into The Summit of the Future this September at the United Nations.

There are 5 key areas for action that we need to address: Your sexual and reproductive health and well-being; your education and work opportunities; your inclusion in society, how to build a more resilient future for you, and what role do YOU as young people play in all of this. 

Do governments need to invest more in comprehensive sexuality education? Or tackling gender-based violence? Are you and your community receiving the mental health support you need in times of crisis? Are we supporting women in the workplace- can we improve how we address child care concerns? Are we ensuring everyone has their rights protected, no matter their sexual orientation or gender identity? What about the impact of climate change?

These issues can be tough and tangled- but you have the solutions.  

Now is your chance to learn more and  be a part of these impactful discussions! Leave us a  message and tell us what issues matter to you- and where you think governments need to invest more in order to support the health, well-being and future of the 3 billion young people living today. Your views will be shared with UNFPA and become part of the push for a more equal and healthy world! 

By leaving a message, you can advocate for the rights of young people worldwide. Be a part of the conversation.