Show African Leaders You Stand Against Fossil Fuels

Help show African leaders that we stand united against fossil fuels. Upload a photo holding a sign.

What to know:

  • While we are fighting for renewable energy, the African Union is calling for an expansion in fossil fuels.
  • African civil society organisations are fighting against this and need your voice to create impact.
  • Let’s show leaders that we stand united against fossil fuels. Upload a photo holding a Don’t Gas Africa sign.

Learn More about this cause:

Droughts, heatwaves, aggressive rains and catastrophic floods are tormenting the African continent. 

It is a fact that fossil fuels are the biggest contributors to global warming. All the gas, coal and crude oil we burn for energy has led to people losing their homes, without access to food while threatening their health. 

We can turn things around but we all have to play our part in lowering our carbon footprint and most importantly, fight against dirty energy which is making our earth unlivable. 

Over 200 civil society organisations are raising their voice against a proposal from the African Union which is calling for the expansion of fossil fuels. If this passes, a transition to renewable energy will be delayed, causing further hardship for millions of people. 

We need your help to get the attention of African leaders. Create a sign written Don’t Gas Africa, then take a photo and share it with us. We will compile these and show them that millions of people stand in solidarity for this campaign.