870 million children are still counting on you to take action to secure their right to education.

Following the Global Partnership for Education’s (GPE) financing conference on 2/2/18, our work is not done. $800 million is still needed for 2018-2020  to ensure every child receives a quality education and is not held back because of where they were born.

With its $75M commitment to GPE for 2017 just approved for disbursement, the US was positive at the financing conference about how it hopes to continue to support GPE.

But because of a government shutdown stalemate in negotiations, the United States was not able to announce any future funding to GPE, even if it wanted to. It is critical now that we continue to ask the USG to meet the $337.5M ask for three years and also call on business leaders and non-traditional donors to step up and make contributions from the US to GPE.

Some business leaders stepped up: but more support is needed. By 2030, more than 870 million of the 1.6 billion young people in the world will have never gone to school or have the basic skills needed for employment.

Our voice needs to stay strong to ensure US leadership from all sectors and a stronger investment in global education systems as soon as the Government resolves its deadlock.

Take action now: Tweet at Ambassador Mark Green and USAID and sign Global Citizen’s petition asking leaders in the US private sector to step up and #Fund Education.