Each year, hundreds of communities around the world are impacted by natural disasters. Between 1994 and 2013, 6,873 natural disasters occurred worldwide, which claimed 1.35 million lives or almost 68,000 lives on average each year. In the past three years, the average number of natural disasters worldwide were 316. With climate change, the frequency and intensity of these natural disasters are likely to only increase, amounting to more destruction and lives lost. 

There is overwhelming data that points to the disproportionate impact that natural disasters have on vulnerable populations, especially those living in poverty. The generous outpouring of donations after a natural disaster is critical for the recovery of impacted communities. However, this giving is often misaligned — vexing both the beneficiaries and the donors themselves.

According to studies by the National Science Foundation and the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, 60% of unsolicited goods given after a disaster end up in landfills (or otherwise go to waste) and 70% of giving occurs within the first two months. Only 5% of giving is allocated to reconstruction and recovery. While addressing immediate needs is critical, the current approach to giving does not effectively support long-term recovery. 

To help solve for this, Global Citizen, Good360 and All Hands and Hearts - Smart Response have launched the Resilient Response Initiative. We are calling on individuals and corporates to commit to Resilient Response and change their disaster-giving behaviors to address the immediate and long-term needs of impacted communities. Join us and help us to build stronger communities that will be more resilient towards future disasters.