Protect Nature — Pledge Now

Local wildlife needs our help and protection — commit to protect nature in your daily life.

What to know:

  • Local wildlife needs our help and protection — our homes can be homes for nature too.
  • Every one of us can create havens for nature to protect birds, bees and more.
  • Take the pledge and check out our articles on how you can make a difference.

Learn More about this cause:

The world has lost two-thirds of its wildlife in the past fifty years.

The climate crisis and the expansion of the way we live and consume as humans endangers our ecosystems and the species that call them home.

Global Citizens from around the world are urging governments and corporate leaders to save nature, but we can also take action in our own lives right now to help.

Grassroots actions are some of the best ways to start protecting the nature we love. Plant flowers that bees and butterflies love, let the nature around you grow wild, get together with your community to plant trees, cut down on consuming meat and keep making changes in your life to protect the wildlife around you.

You can read our guide on how to protect nature here.

Take the pledge to protect nature — our actions combined can have an immense impact on the world around us!