EU: There’s No Safe Future with Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels are destroying the climate and funding unjust wars – urge EU leaders to take a stand.

What to know:

  • Fossil fuel sites are causing catastrophic damage to our climate.
  • Despite this, EU leaders are continuing to green-light destructive new projects such as coal mines.
  • Email the EU to move away from fossil fuels NOW and support renewable energy for a safe future for us all.

Learn More about this cause:

“If fossil fuels were phased out 20 years ago, we wouldn’t be in this situation right now.” - Kostiantyn Krynytskyi, Ukrainian Climate Activist

Fossil fuels are not just destroying the climate – they’re also enabling military conflict. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine continues in part because of the billions of dollars made from Russia’s energy deals with Europe. 

Whether it's Russia or Saudi Arabia, oil-rich countries across the world are using their fossil fuel industry to bankroll unjust wars, and wars are fought over fossil fuel access. 

European countries recently announced measures to end imports of Russian fossil fuels, but unless they replace this with clean energy it won’t be enough. 

We need Europe to end its dependence on fossil fuels all together. By investing instead in clean, renewable energy, we can protect people and our planet, and avoid contributing to another war.

Time is of the essence: EU policy makers are meeting in weeks to discuss European energy strategy. Send an email urging them to swap conflict-ridden fossil fuels for climate-saving renewables!