World Leaders: Fulfill Your Climate Justice Promise

Governments made a promise to fund global climate justice – it’s time for them to deliver.

What to know:

  • Extreme heat, floods, and storms are disproportionately impacting the communities least responsible for the climate crisis.
  • Last year, countries promised to establish a fund for communities harmed by the climate crisis but it’s not yet operational.
  • Leaders must mobilize new, additional & accessible funding to support developing countries in the throes of climate change

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Scorching heat waves. Devastating floods. The climate crisis is growing more frequent and severe – and it's the communities with the lowest emissions who are being hit the hardest.

As these impacts intensify, many developing countries have become financially overwhelmed. For years, they’ve been calling for the creation of a fund to address climate-related loss and damage in a timely and sustainable manner. 

At COP27 last year, rich governments finally heeded their request – but what wasn’t determined was how the fund would be financed and by when it would become operational.

There’s no time to waste. We need action from leaders to ensure the loss and damage fund is operational in time for the COP28 Summit in December. To make good on this commitment, governments must urgently mobilize new and additional funding that can adequately address the negative impacts of climate change.

You can make a difference by raising your voice for climate justice. Sign the petition calling for action to mobilize loss & damage finance now!