Young people in developing countries are largely portrayed as helpless victims or angry threats. We don’t often get a chance to #GetToKnow young people living in developing countries - who they are, their hobbies and their day-to-day lives – and see just how much we each have in common.
For International Youth Day on Tuesday 12th August, Restless Development are asking you to share stories of the day-to-day lives and lifestyles of young people you know living in developing countries.
If more of us can #GetToKnow young people in developing countries and see them like we see our own siblings, children and friends, more people will start to realise that they are generation that must be supported to tackle their countries’ problems.
Watch this video of some of our International Citizen Service volunteers talking about young people they met whilst volunteering overseas, and then share on Facebook and Twitter, introducing a young person you would like people to #GetToKnow.


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Who will you #GetToKnow on International Youth day?!