On International Day of the Girl Oct. 11, the global community celebrates the strength and resilience of girls everywhere, while recognizing the unique challenges they face — including immense pressure to marry early and grow up too fast. Join our efforts to help end the harmful practice of child marriage and begin with them a future of safety, health, promise and possibility.

In spite of laws against it, girls are being forced into early marriage at an alarming rate: another girl every 2 seconds, around the clock, around the world. They are often married early to alleviate their family’s financial burden or in hopes of securing for them a better future — far before they are either mentally or physically ready.  

Child brides rarely return to the classroom and instead are often relegated to a life of grinding poverty. They are more likely to be physically abused, contract HIV and other diseases, and die while pregnant or giving birth. In fact, pregnancy and child birth are a leading killer of girls age 15-19 throughout the developing world.

But it doesn't have to be this way. Please join CARE to help end this gross human rights violation that jeopardizes the lives of 39,000 new child brides every single day. CARE’s work fosters gender equalitywomen's empowermentchampions among men and boys, and an end to violence against women. Be part of the solution — and watch our collective efforts stop child marriage for good and for all.


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Ending child marriage on International Day of the Girl