Mach ein Video und fordere eine klima- und ernährungssichere Welt

Schicke eine Botschaft an die führenden Politiker*innen der Welt

Was man wissen sollte:

  • Ernährungsunsicherheit und die Klimakrise sind die größten Krisen unserer Zeit – es muss jetzt gehandelt werden.
  • Es ist dringend. Hilf mit, unsere Botschaft an die führenden Politiker*innen der Welt zu übermitteln.
  • Wir wollen Videos von Global Citizens weltweit an die Staats- und Regierungschef*innen senden und sie zum Handeln auffordern.

Mehr erfahren über diese Ursache:

Are you being hit by failing crops or soaring food prices? Do you feel the effects of climate change? The climate crisis and the hunger crisis are two of the biggest global challenges of our time. Both already impact millions, and if left unchecked, they will have devastating consequences for our planet and its people.

But there is hope. We all need to speak up. We have the power to demand change from those in power. And we can do it in a way that is creative, impactful, and far-reaching.

World leaders are meeting in a matter of weeks and we need to be ready with a powerful wave of videos from Global Citizens around the world.

Your video can be a personal story or a powerful call to action. Whatever you choose, your voice will be heard.

So, pick up your phone or camera and record a video. Then upload it right here on our page. Let's make our voices heard and demand a better future for ourselves and generations to come.

Video instructions:

Please follow the instructions below. Record a video answering the following prompts:

- My name is ….  and I am from ….

- I want you to act on the climate crisis because…


- I want you to act on the food crisis because…